One of our avid readers (hi Mum!) pointed out how we have failed to comment on the main story currently hitting all the headlines …. that of Greece. That is correct- probably the main reason is due to the fact that the news flowing out of Greece, is so fast, that I would have undoubtedly got to the end of my blogging, by which point I would have had to write a whole new posting due to an updated newsflash! Often, the latest revelation is a full 180° from the previous newsflash, and that is no doubt significantly contributing to the increasing volatility we have been privy to, with investors being whipsawed from one side to the other! Risk on, risk off, threat of contagion, restructurings, haircuts ….. isn’t life exciting! The other reason for not writing about Greece, is that I would undoubtedly have to disclose that my main ECONOMICS tutor was Greek, and what does that say about my knowledge of economics/finance?!!! Truth is, he was also my Football Manager ……. And he was a darn sight better at football than at Economics!!!
What is clear, is that Greece has run out of money, again, and needs some form of bailout/restructuring. So far, Europe, the ECB, IMF and everyone else has responded to the problem by throwing more money at Greece, allowing them to "buy time". Nobody has used the downright rude and ugly term of "insolvent", with "liquidity" being the preferred terminology. Lenders have been willing to lend more money, because the problem is one of liquidity. They have been willing to lend more money to banks and Governments. And Greece for their part, have not once admitted the need for default or restructuring, and so the banking sectors have not been forced to write down any more debt and/or need to raise more capital. A win win for everyone.
This would have bought some more time. Time is a fantastic healer. However, the issue was not one of liquidity, rather one of insolvency-debt problems are unlikely to be solved by taking on more debt. As a minimum, investors will require a credible plan for the economy to return to solvency to become willing to fund the banks and public debt of the troubled economy in question. This does not seem to be the case though, with the general Greek population revolting (in the other sense of the word), then one has to wonder where that credible solvency plan is going to come from. What is clear though, is that of those included around the negotiating table, nobody but nobody is "allowing" Greece to simply default. A solution will seemingly be found to prevent Greece from "legally" defaulting- even if it means some quick changes to EU law, account rules or ECB operation guidelines.
Whats the big deal with a Greek default? Why are they working so hard to prevent it? The Eurozone debt crises, is not especially extraordinary- it is merely another credit cycle, whereby debt extends beyong the capacity of consumers and economies. Debt then contracts as uncollectable debt gets written down, and bad debt is purged from the system. Throwing more money at Greece is merely extending and prolonging the problem?
Although a default is a default, and from a value point of view it doesn’t make any difference whether it is the debt of Greece, Portugal, Azerbaijan or the US that is written down, from an economic point of view, it certainly makes a difference. If Greece are thrown another lifeline, both Ireland and Portugal will operate under the assumption that in the future, they will also get another bailout should they need it. Markets know that, and hence speculation will continue on the "Who's next path", and cause investors to demand additional premiums, causing yields to rise. Eventually, the larger economies will be targeted too. How do I know you wont default either Spain? And that will cause even more serious problems, as who is left to bailout the larger and more important economies?
What is clear, is that Greece has run out of money, again, and needs some form of bailout/restructuring. So far, Europe, the ECB, IMF and everyone else has responded to the problem by throwing more money at Greece, allowing them to "buy time". Nobody has used the downright rude and ugly term of "insolvent", with "liquidity" being the preferred terminology. Lenders have been willing to lend more money, because the problem is one of liquidity. They have been willing to lend more money to banks and Governments. And Greece for their part, have not once admitted the need for default or restructuring, and so the banking sectors have not been forced to write down any more debt and/or need to raise more capital. A win win for everyone.
This would have bought some more time. Time is a fantastic healer. However, the issue was not one of liquidity, rather one of insolvency-debt problems are unlikely to be solved by taking on more debt. As a minimum, investors will require a credible plan for the economy to return to solvency to become willing to fund the banks and public debt of the troubled economy in question. This does not seem to be the case though, with the general Greek population revolting (in the other sense of the word), then one has to wonder where that credible solvency plan is going to come from. What is clear though, is that of those included around the negotiating table, nobody but nobody is "allowing" Greece to simply default. A solution will seemingly be found to prevent Greece from "legally" defaulting- even if it means some quick changes to EU law, account rules or ECB operation guidelines.
Whats the big deal with a Greek default? Why are they working so hard to prevent it? The Eurozone debt crises, is not especially extraordinary- it is merely another credit cycle, whereby debt extends beyong the capacity of consumers and economies. Debt then contracts as uncollectable debt gets written down, and bad debt is purged from the system. Throwing more money at Greece is merely extending and prolonging the problem?
Although a default is a default, and from a value point of view it doesn’t make any difference whether it is the debt of Greece, Portugal, Azerbaijan or the US that is written down, from an economic point of view, it certainly makes a difference. If Greece are thrown another lifeline, both Ireland and Portugal will operate under the assumption that in the future, they will also get another bailout should they need it. Markets know that, and hence speculation will continue on the "Who's next path", and cause investors to demand additional premiums, causing yields to rise. Eventually, the larger economies will be targeted too. How do I know you wont default either Spain? And that will cause even more serious problems, as who is left to bailout the larger and more important economies?
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